Neudorfer Engineers brings years of experience & knowledge to performing parallel design reviews. NEI is fully capable to provide peer reviews and 3rd party commissioning and constructability reviews.
NEI assists in developing the specifications that detail specific project requirements, to which the entire project team must adhere. Through design and submittal reviews, NEI ensures that the Owners Project Requirements (OPR) and Basis of Design (BOD) features are incorporated into the design.
Identification and resolution of issues as early as possible delivers the most
NEI provides assistance in the development of a facility management strategy that includes training, preventative/predictive maintenance programs, systems manuals, and continued training and assistance during the warranty period.

The purposes of the site surveys are to investigate existing conditions and provide preliminary information to troubleshoot possible system discrepancies and inefficiencies, whether with installed systems, maintenance practices, or operational sequence programming.
Findings can be used to enhance annual maintenance programs, schedule non-capital repairs, or provide the framework for future renovations. When utilized in conjunction with major renovations or upgrades, site investigations have proven to expedite scheduled renovations and augment overall project results.
During site surveys, Neudorfer Engineers obtains operational performance data and equipment nameplate
Neudorfer Engineers utilizes industry standard procedures to recommend repairs to existing HVAC equipment, modifications to sequences of operations, and revisions to design airflows. Recommendations are submitted through proper channels to the project team and client for approval. The team reviews recommendations to prioritize energy conservation measures (