Smoke control testing
Smoke control systems are required by International Building Code (IBC), NFPA Standards, and local codes to verified by special inspectors. Neudorfer Engineers’ special inspectors have completed rigorous training and attained extensive experience and qualifications, enabling NEI to provide a complete, code-required, and independent Smoke Control Special Inspector scope for submission to appropriate local fire departments and authorities having jurisdiction.
Neudorfer Engineers special inspectors work closely with clients to understand their specific project requirements. The objective of Smoke Control systems is to provide occupants with a smoke-free environment and safely
Special inspections duties and tasks that NEI provides can include:
- Stairway enclosure pressurization systems.
- Atrium exhaust systems.
- Floor venting systems.
NEI special inspectors review design documents,
During design phase, Neudorfer Engineers special inspectors review:
- Sequences and monitoring for loss of power for motorized dampers, supply air fans, and exhaust fans.
- Types and locations of initiating devices.
- Design calculations, models, and drawings for fan sizes, locations, and flow rates, for relief and control dampers locations and sizes, and for the inter-relationships between airflow rates and building pressures to adjacent spaces, stairways, and elevator shafts.
- Fire alarm control panel (FACP) graphics submittals for conformance to equipment and devices to be installed, including panel switching and status indicator lights.
NEI’s key to successful projects is early team collaboration via meetings and site walks to clearly identify the tasks required of all parties to complete the process.
During the construction phase, NEI special inspectors confirm proper installation of:
- Vertical shafts, and sealing thereof.
- Pressurization fans, control dampers, and relief dampers.
- Alarm initiating devices (space and duct-mounted).
- FACP representation of installed equipment and devices.
Contracting with NEI to provide technical assistance to the design, construction, & building management teams by witnessing contractor pre-testing can help the team identify issues early and, thus, aid in
During Final Acceptance Testing, NEI special inspectors witness and document contractors testing:
- Duct air leakage testing (DALT) of vertical stair and elevator shafts.
Functionality of alarm initiating devices.- Functionality and reporting of loss of primary power and transfer to emergency power.
- Point-to-point verifications of mechanical control dampers, relief dampers, fire dampers, smoke fire dampers, and full modulation from completely open to completely closed.
- Point-to-point verifications of pressurization fans.
- Balancing of fans speeds to attain design airflows and differential pressures.
- Maximum door opening force, minimum/maximum differential pressures in relation to stairway doors, elevator shafts, and adjacent zones/barriers.
- Accurate representation of FACP status indicator lights and switches during smoke control testing scenarios.
- Proper elevator primary and secondary recall scenarios.
- Other specialized applications.
Neudorfer Engineers has proven that collective success is driven by open and honest communication and is fueled by adaptability to the inevitable unknowns that arise.
Upon completion of acceptance testing and according to IBC requirements, NEI prepares a code-required final report with