Commissioning and Testing, Adjusting, & Balancing (TAB) of approximately $8M project with 68,000 SF of renovated office, data center, auditorium, and support spaces.
Existing building interior was demolished and renovated. Select mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment was re-used. The building is a modernized office and operations facility for Community Transit. The building comprises of offices, conference rooms, focus rooms, breakroom, maintenance, support, and restrooms.
Testing, Adjusting, & Balancing (TAB) services per Washington state energy code (WSEC), NEBB TAB standards, including design review, submittal reviews, coordination meetings, TAB survey, TAB agenda submittal, incorporation of TAB activities into project schedule, observation of deficiencies, commissioning coordination and back check, and submission of TAB final report. Balanced air distribution systems included: variable volume air handling units, fan-powered series terminal boxes, squeeze boxes, computer room air conditioning air handlers, heat recovery exhaust, and dedicated exhaust systems. Balanced hydronic distribution systems included variable volume heating hot water to air handlers and terminal boxes. Neudorfer’s TAB team coordinated with contractors to fast track repairs, balancing damper installations, motorized actuator replacements, and pressure control system adjustments on existing and renovated systems to maintain project schedule, while providing comfortable work environments for building occupants, prolonging equipment life cycles, and improving system efficiencies.
Whole Building Commissioning (Cx) services per Washington state energy code (WSEC), NEBB Re-Cx standards. Commissioning design phase services included design review, Building Automation System (BAS) sequences of operations review, submittal reviews, coordination meetings, site visits, RFI coordination, incorporation of commissioning activities into overall project schedule, and writing Pre-Functional and Functional Test reports.
Commissioning construction phase and acceptance phase services included site visits throughout construction, witness of select equipment startup activities, review of contractor startup reports, back check of testing and balancing (TAB), and back check of BAS point-to-point verifications and calibrations. Issues were tracked via a single comprehensive issues log, reviewed with the project team during weekly project commissioning meetings, and tracked to completion.
Commissioning warranty phase services currently include review of training agendas, witness of Owner training, review of O&M manuals, submission of Cx final report. and diagnostics testing / review of trend reports after substantial completion.
Commissioned systems included:
- HVAC&R Central Plant Boiler
- HVAC&R Distribution (AHU’s, Terminal Units, Fans, AC’s)
- Witness of TAB back check
- Building Automation System (BAS),
- Lighting controls,
- Domestic hot water,
- Metering